Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Are you ready for some Futsal!

Creative Soccer Instruction By Brian Pelton
2010 Winter Futsal Class Schedule

Coach Brian runs the K-2 soccer practice at Castro School. He has the top soccer coaching license in America, the second highest license in Brazil, and is one of only two people in America with a Futsal coaching license issued from the Brazilian Futsal Federation. His classes for Futsal and will have an emphasis on dribbling, shooting and playing games. Coach Brian uses age-appropriate exercises and futsal balls, as well as games that develop coordination and agility. Your child will have a great deal of fun while doing the part of futsal that is most fun: dribbling and scoring goals.
All classes will be at Sunnyvale Community Center, 550 E. Remington Ave., Sunnyvale

Futsal Classes
 Classes will be held Saturday mornings from 8 – 9:15am
 For players between 5 and 8 years old
 A minimum of eight players are required for the class to be confirmed.
 The cost will be week of class will be $15/week (limited number of scholarships available) or $120 for the 10 week clinic. Ask about siblings discount.
 Players must bring their own water, energy drinks and snacks. Please have your child wear tennis or futsal shoes and shinguards. Balls and other training equipment will be provided. No food or drink allowed in the gym, but can be consumed in the lobby
 Classes will run from Saturday, January 9th through March 13th in the Sunnyvale Community Center Gym.
2010 Creative Soccer Instruction Futsal Class Application Form
Parent’s Name _________________________ Child’s name __________________________ Age _________________
Child’s name _________________Age _________________
Phone numbers: Home_________________Cell______________Work
Email address
Any medical conditions? _____________________________________
Emergency contact name/phone ____________________________________

Typical class schedule
15 min: Individual Futsal ball work
30 min: Coordination & shooting games
30 min: 3 v 3 or 4 v 4 Futsal games

Liability Waiver
I grant my child/children permission to attend a Creative Soccer Instruction (CSI) futsal class. I understand that soccer activities are strenuous and there is a potential risk of injury. As parent/guardian, I waive all claims of liability against Brian Pelton and CSI and any city where the camp is located. My child will participate in the camp using proper protective equipment and does so with my permission and at their own risk. In case of emergency, I hereby consent to medical examination and/or treatment for my child/children. Parent/Guardian signature ______________________________________________

Mail signed form with a $45 nonrefundable deposit** to:
Creative Soccer Instruction
c/o Brian Pelton
616 Manzanita Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Questions? Email Creative Soccer Instruction at or call at 650.575.9383
** Credit may be applied to any other camp or towards private training sessions.

1 comment:

  1. that's just awesome! I wish we, parents always had time to play with our kids!!! classes are good, but nothing can substitute the real parents communication.
