I sure hope I have a chance to dress up again before New Years rolls around, but I was very excited to see all my mommy (and daddy) blogging buddies at a
Silicon Valley Moms blog holiday party. It was loads of fun and I'm talking about the goodies we left with over at my
review blog. What was great was getting to see the lovely people I most get to read. A huge bonus was finally getting my
Cluttercast junk mail planter - I thought I was doing
Darryle a favor by offering to pick it up, not realizing how small and light it was. But I was so happy to get to meet her and take this photo with her. Promise to send photo once I have it planted, thinking herbs in the kitchen

We had to work in our corporate schmoozing along with our socializing, so it wasn't until the end that I dropped all my stuff and hung with some great chicks. Let's do it again soon.
Photo by Carla Duharte-Razua of babyjidesigns.com
I love parties. Looks like you had a great time!