Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Nearly Wordless Wednesday: Prop 8 Decison Day

I'm posting some of my excellent NOH8 style photo's, expertly shot and edited by Carla of babyjidesign, in honor of Prop 8 decision day, which is, conveniently, today.
The NOH8 Campaign is a photographic silent protest created by celebrity photographer Adam Bouska ( and partner Jeff Parshley in direct response to the passage of Proposition 8. Photos feature subjects with duct tape over their mouths, symbolizing their voices being silenced by Prop 8 and similar legislation around the world, with "NOH8" painted on one cheek in protest.

Today the court will rule whether Proposition 8 is unconstitutional. Prop 8 is the hateful law that passed in California defining marriage as solely between a man and a woman.  Given that Prop 8 supporters (boo hiss) have already asked for a stay, I think we can be hopeful the court will do the right thing.  A stay would prevent same-sex couples from running out to get married, which could spell disaster for all, NOT.

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