Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving Redux

Okay, I wanted to post my thanksgiving menu too, which was written up by me and decorated by my son. My personal contribution was to decorate the main table (I was planning to credit the kids if it looked too goofy) and add the pecans to the pie. Okay, I also schlepped food too and from the shop outside, braving the 40 degree Utah weather, turned the slippery turkey over and chopped up the turkey neck and giblets.
We had a really pleasant thanksgiving. There were four generations with family members who've had a somewhat rocky past, so it was really wonderful to see everyone enjoying themselves and the good food. And the new little pool cues we bought the day before, as well as the rousing game of steal the baseball cap, kept the kids occupied.


Cream-cheese with cranberry-pepper jelly with crackers
Mini beef wellingtons.

The Main Spread

Roast turkey
Mashed potatoes
Sweet potato casserole with streusal topping
Cranberry Relish
Cranberry Sauce with Apples
Butter rolls and Orange rolls (with orange frosting)

And for Dessert

Mystery pecan pie (cream cheese is the mystery, and it's amazing)
Pumpkin pie
Cream cheese brownies

I'm really thankful the kids are getting to know their cousins far and wide. No snow, but oodles of fun with grandma this week. And that I got to watch D savor 3 of those rolls. Other than that I think they only at "fuzzing" and of course a little dessert.

Here's how I occupied them while we were all getting ready. I had no idea K was so symmetrical. I had grabbed a couple stacks of photos so they could choose, and K chose one of his little brother. These are gifts for grandma's birthday on Sunday.

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