Given the number of advanced degrees in my family, I don't doubt my kids are above average intelligence. On the other hand, there's enough bragging coming out of dad and grandma that I try to be the voice of reason, teach my kids some humility, and explain that even if dad constantly talks about how fast you are, it doesn't mean you need to boast about to your friends. But today, it's my turn to brag about my kids.
It's pretty timely, in that today was kindergarten academic testing day. As much as I wish we could go back in time, when they didn't worry about teaching reading, much less academic testing, his results did bring a little smile to my face. He's reading at a first grade level, and even better reading actually brings a smile to his face. I'm constantly impressed by the amazing pronounciation of spanish, and dad is just thrilled about his social skills, an area daddy didn't quite excel at in kindergarten.
And what I'm even more thrilled about are the books K's creating, with the help of a new stapler, which are scattered around our house, in various stages of completion. Here we've got "Thick Mo 3," a book about a ghost and a mystery tree. There's also one about battling girls, and "Spiderman vs Venom" among others. He even makes blank ones for mommy and daddy to fill out.
One of the highlights of my elementary school years was winning "best book" in 2nd grade for a handwritten story project (we all got prizes) and it thrills me to no end to see him this excited about making his own books. I didn't regain real enjoyment in writing until halfway through college, so I sure hope this stays with him. I don't necessarily want all his books to include ways to shoot girls, and his creative spelling could use some work, but today we're focsusing on his creative talents.
It's brag about your child day over at Parent Bloggers, and they're giving away cool prizes, including a great sounding book by Jenifer Fox.
I think I still have a copy of a story notebook from first grade, too funny! Gotta love a budding imagination. :)